Artemis Drifting

Just because she tippietoes, doesn't mean she's a creepin'.

Busy morning!

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I have to wait about another twenty minutes until I pick up my grandfather and we set about getting my car sniffed and tags renewed.


There’s a girl on a bench near the river that I never listened to enough in the past. I did just enough to make sense of our conversations, and took her advice from afar. Turns out she got her ass up, grabbed my wrist and decided enough was enough. I had always heard her words, but it turns out I had forgotten what it was like sitting at that bench. Now I realize why I never should’ve gotten up in the first place. The view is spectacular.


It’s a very cold morning, but I have a solar paneled heart and Lord is it sunny today.


“Out of the crooked timber of humanity no straight thing was ever made.”

— Immanuel Kant

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